See below for English description.
Le jour de l'anniversaire de son arri?re-grand-m?re, Sarah Rose re?oit en h?ritage son m?daillon. Elle promet ? sa m?re qu'elle ne le perdra pas si elle le porte pour aller ? l'?cole. Mais l'impensable se produit. Quelqu'un vole son m?daillon! Rose et ses amis pourront-ils le r?cup?rer avant que sa m?re ne le d?couvre?
Le m?daillon perdu explore les th?mes intemporels de la responsabilit? et de l'intimidation.
On the anniversary of her great-grandmother's birthday, Sarah Rose is given a family heirloom: her great-grandmother's locket. She convinces her mother she won't lose it if she wears it to school. But then the unthinkable happens - someone steals her precious locket! Can Sarah Rose and her friends get it back before her mother finds out?
The Lost Locket (Le m?daillon perdu) explores the timeless themes of responsibility and bullying in a package sure to attract the next generation of young readers.
Original title: The Lost Locket
About the Author: Carol Matas figure parmi les auteurs de romans historiques les plus renomm's au pays. Elle ?crit surtout des fictions contemporaines, des fictions historiques et des livres sur la Deuxi?me Guerre mondiale. Certains de ses livres ont ?t? traduits en plusieurs langues, ce qui a fait sa renomm?e internationale. Elle a re?u plusieurs r?compenses, dont une nomination pour le prix litt?raire du Gouverneur g?n?ral et le prix Geoffrey Bilson (romans historiques pour les jeunes). Elle vit ? Winnipeg, au Manitoba. Susan Gardos ?tait illustratrice et graphiste. Ses illustrations sont apparues dans de nombreux livres scolaires. Elle aimait ? peindre les enfants et les animaux, surtout les chiens. N?e ? Budapest, en Hongrie, Susan a v?cu ? Oshawa, en Ontario, pendant de nombreuses ann?es.
Carol Matas is an internationally acclaimed author of over forty books for children and young adults. She is best known for her acclaimed historical fiction, and her awards include the Geoffrey Bilson Award for Historical Fiction for Young Readers as well as two nominations for the Governor General's Award. Carol lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Susan Gardos was an illustrator and graphic designer whose illustrations have appeared in many Scholastic books. She loved to paint children and animals, especially dogs. Susan was born in Budapest, Hungary, and lived in Oshawa, Ontario for many years.