See below for English description.
Voici Kévin. Ce koala aime bien que les choses restent toujours PAREILLES. EXACTEMENT pareilles.
Un jour, un changement survient soudainement. Kévin découvrira-t-il quelque chose de NOUVEAU et AMUSANT?
Un drôle de conte sur l'ouverture au changement, des créateurs de La souris qui rugit.
Sometimes change comes along whether we like it or not . . . but if you let it, change can be the making of you. Kévin the Koala discovers this and more in this delightful picture book from the bestselling creators of La souris qui rugit!
Stylish art and vibrant storytelling from two contemporary stars make this a story to shout about--it will make you laugh, cry and read it every bedtime.
Original title: The Koala Who Could
About the Author: Rachel Bright est ? la fois auteure, dessinatrice d'images et cr?atrice de pens?es heureuses. Gr?ce ? ses personnages ?clatants qui sortent de son imaginaire, Rachel est l'un des talents les plus prolifiques de l'Angleterre du Sud-Ouest. Son portfolio comprend des histoires pour enfants et un empire de cartes et de cadeaux. Rachel apporte de la joie tant aux jeunes qu'aux moins jeunes.
Jim Field est un illustrateur de talent. Son premier album, Cats Ahoy!, ?crit par Peter Bently, a remport? le prix Booktrust Roald Dahl Funny en 2011 et a ?t? finaliste pour le prix Kate Greenaway. Jim vit ? Londres.
Rachel Bright is a writer of words, drawer of pictures and thinker of happy thoughts. With a cacophony of quirky characters tumbling tirelessly from her imagination, she is one of the South West's most prolific talents. Creating a growing portfolio of beautifully imagined children's stories, an award-winning card and gift empire, Rachel brings her own unique sunshine to the very young and the slightly older alike.
Jim Field is a hugely talented illustrator. His first picture book Cats Ahoy! written by Peter Bently won the Booktrust Roald Dahl Funny Prize in 2011 and was nominated for the Kate Greenaway award. Jim lives in London.