One thing that makes The Laws of the Sunspecial is that it describes Creation much the way Genesis does in the Christian Bible, although in very different terms. The Laws of the Sun shows that the history of religion was actually shaped by Great Guiding Spirits and Angels of Light, who appeared throughout history to save the people of this world. In other words, all the world's religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as local and regional religions such as Shintoism in Japan, were created by Divine Spirits sent to Earth, by God, whom we also call Buddha.
All religions have the same roots. They may take different forms depending on the characteristics and experiences of the people who founded them, or the circumstances and eras the founders were born in, but fundamentally, religions should not be in conflict with one another or bring confusion to this world. Instead of suggesting that one god is better than another, The Laws of the Sun shows us that all religions come from one source, which is one of the most significant teachings in this book.
At the time he wrote this book, Okawa had never given a public lecture and didn't have any experience as a religious teacher. He gave his first talk on November 23, 1986, the same year he wrote this book. It was more like a discussion session than a lecture, but in Buddhist terms, the moment could be described as "the First Turning of the Dharma Wheel" - his initial step toward fulfilling his destiny.
At first, Okawa could receive messages from Heaven only through automatic writing, but as time went by, he was able to act as a conduit for the spoken word as well. Okawa learned how to let spirits use his vocal cords, allowed these spirits to engage him in conversation, and conducted question-and-answer sessions in which he played the roles of both interviewer and interviewee. In this way, communication with the spirit world became part of his everyday life, as it has been for the past thirty years.
Some of the contents of The Laws of the Sun may be difficult for someone who is new to Ryuho Okawa's teachings, but it's not necessary to understand all the details. Okawa's hope is for readers to see the basic relationship between enlightenment and love, and to understand that in spite of all the tragedies that occur in this world, God has never given up on us; this is why he has sent numerous Divine Spirits down to Earth to guide and save people throughout history.
The present age is no exception. With a population on its way to ten billion, there is no way that God can sit still and not show us the path to salvation. Now is the moment for God's Truths to be taught and spread so as to bring hope and salvation to all who dwell on Earth. We, Happy Science, are keenly aware that this is our mission and duty as a movement. Ryuho Okawa hopes that you will read and enjoy The Laws of the Sun and find your way to making this world that we share as brothers and sisters into a better place