About the Book
Volunteers gathered, transcribed and indexed these records from numerous sources. They primarily are Bible records and family notes. However, interspersed are newspaper and miscellaneous listings of other topics of interest: notes from a Federal Soldiers Reunion; Mexican War veterans; Register of Soldiers in a 1909 and 1910 Reunions; Old Settlers Picnic; County Farm Inmates in 1900; and Patrons of the 1879 Lawrence County Atlas. All are indexed. Bible records and family notes are from the following families: Adams, Allen, Allsott, Arnold, Arnhart, Baker/Bailey, Berry, Binney, Brashers, Britton, Brown, Burrow, Caldwell, Childress, Chitwood/Epperson, Cloud, Carney, Collins, Cowan, Davidson, Davis, Downing/Bell/Carlisle/Nickel, Elliott, Ellis, Hendrick, Garner, Gay, Goss, Gullett, Haley, Harris, Hill, Hillhouse, Isbell, Johnson, Jones, Kerr, King, Lawson, Lebow, Lewis, Lollar, McCanse, McCullah, Matthews, Medlin, Mister, Merrick, Mieswinkel, Moore, Morris, Owens, Patton, Pearson, Pennington, Pendleton, Pharris, Ragain, Ross, Shipley, Seneker/Sutton, Smith, Spencer, Stringer, Taylor, Towers, Whaley, Wilder, Williams, Williams/Moore, Woolsey and Young. This was first published by Lawrence County Historical Society in 1993. It is being reprinted by the Society in 2018 as a Heritage Edition.