Lesson 10 - Pleasing Personality - The secret to using your personality to attract the right people into your life.
- The two most important aspects of your personality.
- Why human nature always wants what is always difficult to get.
- Why you should always make sure that your words fit the frame of mind of the listener.
- The amazing value of 'you'...and the fatality of 'I'.
- The seven major factors to developing an attractive personality.
- Your most important step in building your character.
- The two staggering benefits to self-suggestion.
- The single thing that you need to express your true personality.
- Why you can never hope to become a prominent leader...unless you have this one thing.
Lesson 11 - Accurate Thought
- The Law of Evidence...and how you can use it to propel yourself forward.
- Why going against your own interest can work to your advantage.
- Why a temporary penalty will turn into a greater reward.
- Why it is crucial to know which facts are important and relevant to your success.
- The secret of the power of creative thought.
- The two outstanding characteristics of your subconscious mind.
- How you can tap into 'infinite intelligence'...and use it to change your life.
- The four major factors that will shape how successful you are.
- The secret of six key steps you can use to focus your thinking.
- The secret passageway to true knowledge...and how you can reach into it.
- How your thoughts magnetize your entire personality.