Salient Features:
Ȣ Indiașs first book on service tax in 2 volumes presented in easy to follow divisions: (I) Service Tax at a Glance; (II) Law, Rules and Regulations; (III) Taxation based on the Negative List of Services; (IV) Practice and Procedure.
Ȣ Critical analysis of the amendments made during the year 216-17
Ȣ Relevant notifications and departmental clarifications annexed to chapters.
Ȣ In-depth coverage of taxation of services based on the Negative List, Exemptions, Abatement, Reverse Charge Mechanism and CENVAT Credit under service tax.
Ȣ List of Notifications, Circulars and Trade Notices provided for quick reference.
Ȣ All statutory amendments, notable judicial pronouncements, notifications, circulars and trade notices have been adequately covered and fully updated upto March 217
Ȣ The book is an essential reference work for assesses, practitioners, revenue officers and judges.