Unlock the Power of Affirmations - Manifest Your Destiny Today!
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When you purchase Law of Attraction Secrets: 100 Powerful Affirmations for Instant Manifestations, 3rd Edition, you'll find out how affirmations actually work and discover the affirmations you need for many life situations:
-Success in Your Entrepreneurial Endeavors
-Getting through Rough Patches
-Dating, Sex, and Marriage Affirmations
-Affirmations for Children and the Elderly
-Becoming Mindful and Exploring Your Inner Self
-Managing Anger and Confusion
-Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals
You'll also learn many tips and tricks for increasing the power of the Law of Attraction in your life and mastering the art of creating powerful affirmations. Law of Attraction Secrets: 100 Powerful Affirmations for Instant Manifestations, 3rd Edition teaches you to keep your affirmations affirmative and within your vibrational reach. You'll learn to change/master your thought patterns and be specific about what you want - for better and quicker results!
You'll find special chapters in this book on each of these popular goals:
-Finding a Romantic Partner
-Wealth and Abundance
-Professional Success
-Weight Loss
-Health and Wellness
You'll even learn how to get instant manifestations of all your affirmations!
Purchase Law of Attraction Secrets: 100 Powerful Affirmations for Instant Manifestations now, and start attracting what you truly deserve!
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