Hilarious moments from labour, birth and beyond - a collection of true stories and quotes from Parents and other family members or friends who have babies, focusing on:
Labour and Birth
Doctor's appointments and check-ups
Nappy changing, poo and sick
Siblings and other children
First Words
Other incidents
My first book, Laugh Out Loud! Pregnancy dealt with embarrassing and funny moments from Pregnant Women, but the laughs don't end when the baby has been born. This book proves it by sharing experiences and funny moments from Parents, family members and friends who are present during labour and after the baby makes an appearance.
You may not think that being in labour can have a funny side, but when you add pain relief into the mix we Ladies can say and do some very strange things when we are 'under the influence' which can be hilarious for the other people present!
When we bring the baby home it can be a completely new experience, we learn along the way how to deal with our new addition - usually by our mistakes, especially when we are sleep deprived, the brain just can't cope sometimes and we get ourselves into some situations which others find hilarious, even if we don't!
A few snippets from inside:
"I'd had a spinal block because I needed forceps and so couldn't feel anything from the waist down after they had done it. After my Son was born and they were busy wrapping him up and checking him I was looking around and saw some large blue things in the air. I asked my Husband what they were and with a very straight face he said, "They're your legs."
Kerry, UK
"We had to take our six month old to an emergency appointment at the Hospital recently and on our travels our three year old asked if we're going to collect a new baby. Then when I reminded him his new baby Brother is already here he casually asked "can we not swap him?" Of course I said No!"
Frankie, UK
When I was pregnant with my youngest I asked my Daughter (who was 6) if she wanted a Sister or a Brother. She said "What I want is a monkey." After her little Sister was born and was crying one day my older Daughter said "See, I told you we should get a monkey."
Maria, USA
About the Author: Sharon Irish lives in the North West of England with her Husband, two young children and two dogs. The Laugh Out Loud series is her first published work but she is also a keen fiction writer and plans to publish her first novel soon.