Lasting Momentum: The (mostly) painless way to improve your life and make it stick is your handbook to leveling up your life.
Lots of us make plans to make our lives better every day. The hard part is sticking to the plan when we lose our enthusiasm.
The constant guilt, the negative self-talk, the promises made and then broken - all of this is not serving you. By applying the same effort and tools you've always used, you'll keep getting the same result.
It's okay. Creating lasting change and positive momentum is actually really difficult to do, and requires so much more than just trying to force yourself to do it.
There are simple concepts and mindsets that will help you understand how and why creating lasting change takes a different approach.
Lasting Momentum offers a minimum of disruption to your life - because the more uncomfortable and difficult the change is, the harder it will be for it to stick!
Does any of this sound familiar?
- Feeling unproductive
- Seeing your friends advance faster and further than you are
- Feeling stuck in your life or that you can't move forward
- Unhappy with your body - weight or physical fitness level
- Want to get a partner or
- Want to feel in control of your life
- Bouncing from self-help program to self-help program with nothing to show for it
- Have big goals with no idea how to get there
- Being trapped in bad habits
- Feeling lost
- Want to get more organized
We've all been there.... Whether it's one or all of the above.
Tired of wishy-washy motivational or inspirational books, shows, or speeches... that didn't actually tell you HOW to make this change happen... and for it to stick? "The Secret" will tell you to envision your dream life, but what about all the steps between here and there?
The good news: It IS possible to make change. It IS possible to achieve your goals. And it's possible with a minimum of heartburn, tears, or guilt!
Master a few simple mindsets, then get practical tips in multiple areas:
- Motivation vs. Willpower
- Fixing your finances
- Digital declutter challenge - just 1 hour to a less messy digital life
- How to format your resume and cover letter
- Why you're applying for the wrong jobs... and WHEN to apply for them!
- Eating better for real people
- Organization and cleaning up your space without it feeling (as much) like a chore
- Why lack of sleep is the biggest thing holding you back, and how to fix it
- Not just prioritizing, but ENJOYING fitness!
- Maintaining healthy relationships and setting boundaries with others
- Productivity tips
- Mental Health
And more!
Here's an example of mindset [book exerpt]:
"You've heard the phrase, "the pen is mightier than the sword" - it means words are powerful. You can harness that power for you, too. Simply change your framing! Use words to your benefit.
Instead of saying, "I should get off the couch and pack lunch for work tomorrow," or "I have to focus on this class," try actually saying to yourself "I want to" or "I get to" instead.
It sounds small, but it can be quite powerful. Here's a quick way to adopt it - instead of "I have to call my grandmother for her birthday even though I find it boring," think "I want to call my grandmother because it will make her happy."
Lasting Momentum is full of BS-free and sometimes boring strategies and tips to help you get your sh*t together and keep it together. I learned how to do this the hard way, so you don't have to.
Time passes regardless - make sure you are moving in the direction you want.