Which Photographer wouldn't want to fulfill his photographic fantasies with a model so eclectic and passionate?
What Woman wouldn't want to get all her energy out, in moments of pure liberation without limits
and prejudices?
To say the truth when I started taking portraits I soon realized it's the most liberating and rewarding experience ever.
It is NOT about techniques, gears or tools.
It's about self-awareness, imagination, trust and dialogue.
Dialogue with yourself and with the people you will have the chance to portray.
In this book, Lana shows it all !!
With unprecedented energy, liberating and proud brazenness. Lana helped me create a variety of sensational images.
Strong, eclectic, sexy, pouting or intimate.
Is it possible when you are not a teen age anymore?
Lana shows it is. And she shows it loud.
I am sure you can too.
Whether you are a photographer or a model, YOU can.
Despite your gear, your age, your supposed to be limits and prejudices.
This is what this book is about.
It's about possibilities, choices and chances.
That is Portrait Photography at his best.
Personal growth achievements and self-awareness, creating images boosting your imagination.
Make your best decision and BUY THIS BOOK!!
...Now, not tomorrow !!
And have a nice journey through these images of pure self-counciousness.