A Cornish adventure of love and redemption set against the backdrop of a small fishing town on the south coast of the county. It is a tale of one man, his lovers, two families and modern day smuggling interwoven with an evil deed, the curse of a notorious pirate captain and his treasure, that legend has it, was buried on an island that holds secrets to a forgotten past.
On a cold spring day in Looe, in the final year of the twentieth century, a middle-aged man is in search of past memories and childhood holidays. Instead, a chance discovery of an oldrun-down cottage for sale, with views out to sea and towards an island, resurrects a forsaken love, one that had previously torn him apart.
Finding the cottage is fate he believes, for he buys it at auction, a requited love to live an idyll that was cruelly taken from him. As he begins its renovation, into his life enters an enigmatic woman who believes him to be the manifestation of a pirate curse, placed upon her family by a condemned smuggler whose descendants have never forgiven one treacherous act perpetrated two and a half centuries ago.
She begins to beguile him with her sexuality and lure him into her affections in order to pacify the curse, one that to her is very real. Soon he is under her spell, which is the catalyst for a series of incidents and mysterious happenings that slowly draws him into a web of conflicting loyalties, intrigue and lies.
As he is plunged into more and more menacing situations, the island becomes the focus into its long lost secrets, ones that hark back to its days as a smugglers haunt and its early Christian ancestry. With events spiralling out of control, he finds himself pitted against a formidable enemy, an adventurer and mercenary on the trail of pirate treasure, who will not stop at nothing to secure it.
In a tumultuous finale, deep in caves under the island, the forces of good and evil are challenged and where lives are changed forever. And in a final twist, against an unexpected journey of deliverance and a momentous event, the secret of the pirate treasure is revealed.