L'idée de grandir dans la sobriété est différente pour chacun de nous, et peut évoluer avec le temps. Mais une chose semble vraie: les récompenses dans la quête de la sobriété émotive sont la sérénité, l'équilibre émotionnel et une joie de vivre accrue. Ces histoires choisies du AA Grapevine montrent que lorsque les personnes en rétablissement ont la volonté de travailler le programme pour trouver des solutions plutôt que de rester coincées dans leurs problèmes, elles peuvent laisser tomber la peur, mettre de côté les exigences égoïstes, pratiquer l'amour altruiste et se connecter davantage à leur Puissance supérieure, leur famille et leurs compagnons. English Description Heartfelt contributions to Grapevine magazine that speak to emotional sobriety--a powerful concept first described by AA co-founder Bill W.
Powerful and uplifting, the book Emotional Sobriety: The Next Frontier features stories of sober women and men that depict the personal transformations that sobriety can bring when sober alcoholics practice the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous in all aspects of their lives.
In a 1958 article for Grapevine, the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill W. wrote about the ongoing challenges of recovery that he faced long after he stopped drinking, including his struggle with depression. For him, "emotional sobriety" became the next frontier.
In these honest and humble essays drawn from the archives of Grapevine magazine, you'll discover what emotional sobriety is all about. Many will realize that happiness is a by-product of giving without any demand for return; others learn to embrace the present with gratitude so they may claim moments of real peace.
The stories in this anthology show that when we have the willingness to find solutions, rather than stay stuck in problems, we can let go of fear, selfishness, and resentment, put aside selfish demands, practice outgoing love, and become more connected to our Higher Power and our friends, family, and community.
With unflinching honesty, this collection includes the voices of AA members reflecting on their own emotional sobriety or, as Bill Wilson put it, "a quiet place in bright sunshine."