See below for English description.
Nouvelle-?cosse, 1946. Le placier prie Viola Desmond de quitter son si?ge au parterre pour aller s'asseoir au balcon. Viola refuse de bouger: elle sait tr's bien qu'on lui fait cette requ?te uniquement parce qu'elle est noire. La police s'en m?le et Viola se retrouve en prison. Le lendemain, elle est accus?e et mise ? l'amende. D's lors, Viola s'engage dans une lutte contre l'injustice envers les noirs. Sa d?termination inspirera la communaut? enti?re et encore aujourd'hui, Viola demeure un symbole pr?dominant de la lutte contre la discrimination raciale en Am?rique du Nord.
In Nova Scotia, in 1946, an usher in a movie theatre told Viola Desmond to move from her main floor seat up to the balcony. She refused to budge. Viola knew she was asked to move because she was black. After all, she was the only black person downstairs. All the other black people were up on the balcony. In no time at all, the police arrived and took Viola to jail. The next day, she was charged and fined, but she vowed to continue her struggle against such unfair rules. She refused to accept that being black meant she couldn't sit where she wanted. Viola's determination gave strength and inspiration to her community at the time. She is an unsung hero of the North American struggle against injustice and racial discrimination whose story deserves to be widely known.
Original Title: Viola Desmond Won't Be Budged!
About the Author: Jody Nyasha Warner a ?t? libraire avant de devenir auteure et ?ditrice. Elle a eu envie d'?crire ce livre, son remier, apr's avoir constat? ? quel point l'histoire des Afro-Canadiens est m?connue et peu document?e. Elle vit ? Toronto avec on conjoint et ses deux enfants. Richard Rudnicki est r?put? pour ses tableaux d?peignant la Nouvelle-?cosse ainsi que pour ses albums jeunesse prim?s. Richard enseigne le dessin et anime fr?quemment des ateliers dans des ?coles. Il habite Halifax.
Jody Nyasha Warner is a writer, editor and former librarian. She was inspired to write Viola Desmond Won't Be udged!, her first book, because so much African Canadian history is either not well known or not documented. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.
Richard Rudnicki is an artist known for his paintings of Nova Scotia as well as for his award-winning children's books. Gracie, the Public Gardens Duck by Judith Meyrick won the Lillian Sheppard Memorial Award for Excellence in illustration and was finalist for the APMA Best Atlantic Published Book Award. Richard also teaches figure drawing and portraiture and frequently gives school workshops. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia