Pope Francis has call La Civiltà Cattolica "one of a kind."
As a magazine of general reference, articles in La Civiltà Cattolica are
written and edited in a way that has the educated though non-specialist
reader in mind. Discussions in the periodical are rigorous and well
researched but always aim to be open and accessible.
La Civiltà Cattolica in English is published monthly - 12 editions and
1440 pages of articles annually. Its articles, commentaries and reflections
focus on theological, philosophical, moral, historical, political, social and
literary topics. The content is divided in sections for documents, profiles
and interviews, the life of the Church and commentaries. The content
provides reading for an informed Catholic conscience that is better able
to decide freely.
Today, as it has since its foundation, La Civiltà Cattolica aims to read and
interpret the history, politics, culture, science and art in the light of the
Christian faith.
One of the oldest, continuously published Catholic journals, La
Civiltà Cattolica has always aimed to provide deeper assessments of topics
and events of broad significance.
It is "high popular" in tone and reach but not specialist in character.
While its treatment of topics will often run over 5,000 words, the
periodical is for the educated and searching reader rather than being a
professional journal.
All authors are Jesuits and all articles have been viewed and approved by
an official of the Vatican's Secretariat of State before publication. For this
reason, La Civiltà Cattolica has always been a widow into what thoughts,
policies and priorities are alive in the Apostolic See.