The Creator (YHWH) made a shocking proclamation a
few thousand years ago, which came true a few times
through history. He proclaimed through His prophet
Hosea; "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
That certainly came true in history considering it was just
before His people Israel were conquered and enslaved
by the Assyrians, a horribly cruel people!
Has anything changed between then and now?
Considering our great nation is being slowly destroyed
daily, I think not.
What is that knowledge, without which, we're being
destroyed? Is it technical knowledge? Interestingly,
technical knowledge is multiplying at a shocking rate,
while morally, we are dropping just as fast. Obviously
that saving knowledge is not science.
Without a doubt, it's spiritual and Biblical. This to me is
aimed at restoring much of that lost saving knowledge!
If nothing else, it solidifi es the axiom; "The truth is
stranger than fi ction!" This knowledge is destined to
change the world!