Know Your State Assam gives the complete description of History, Geography, Economy, Culture and Politics with Growth & Prospects of Assam. The book has been divided into different sections, such as, history, geography, Climate Condition, Rivers & Lakes, art & culture, Press, Language, Administration, Tourist Places, Architecture and the miscellaneous information of Assam.
The present book on Assam state has been divided into 29 chapters namely Assam: An Overview, First in Assam, Population/ Human Resource, History & the Freedom Movement, Geography of Assam, Climate Condition, Rivers & Lakes, Transport Network, Art & Culture, Satriya Dance & Its Institution, Architecture, History of Assamese Cinema, Press, Development of Assamese Literature, Assamese Script: Origin & Development, Assam Sahitya Sabha, Administration, Key Departments in the State of Assam, What & Where, Education Scenario, Background of the Assam Textile Institute, Tourist Places, Tribe of Assam, Awards & Prizes, Eminent Personalities, Facts of Assam, Some Important Events of Assam and Current Events. Chapterwise Theory and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) have been given in the book along with latest current updates. Each of the sections in the book has been adorned with latest information, at the same time keeping the language simple and text lucid. The book also contains a map of Assam which will be extremely useful for academic interest.
As the book contains detailed information on the state of Assam it will serve to be highly useful for APSC and other state level exams.