when you think of royalty, what typically comes to your mind? A ruthless leader, an entitled dictator, a ruler who wouldn't know the first thing of being thankful and giving glory to God for his/her blessings?
Well, in the latest collection of biographies by author Gaby Kool, Holy Kings, Holy Queens, and Holy Royalties, what is depicted instead of royalty are leaders who sought the guidance of Jesus to lead their kingdoms and people in the way of God's will.
Gaby can recall always being fascinated with Catholic saints and their backgrounds of faith, but when he began to research specific saints of royalty, what he discovered were countless examples of humility, kindness, faithfulness and love of God that inspired him to devote himself more in faith.
Despite the numerous royal saints to be found in history, Gaby concentrated on examining the lives of eight royal leaders and Catholic saints that exemplify being a servant of God in one of the most powerful positions on earth.
readers may identify some of these saints featured, but many may not know specific details of their headship and steps of faith they took when the outcome wasn't clear.
For example, Saint Louis IX, King of France, was educated by his mother at an early age to love the Lord and be charitable to others, being remembered for showing kindness to lepers and beggars in the kingdom.
Of course, one of the most celebrated "royals" within the book is that of Joseph, the father of Jesus, who had a strong relationship with God before Jesus entered his life and took on one of the greatest roles ever in being a strong leader in the Savior's development.
Now when you picture royalty, you might find qualities you wish to embody instead of qualities you wish to forget.