About the Book
THE RISING OF A NEW ORDER I woke up this morning with this word: 'there is a rising' in my spirit, when I had the time to probe the statement, this is what the Holy Spirit began to release unto me: There is a rising of a new breed, a new generation of a people, set aside by God to bring into the world the agenda and Mandate of Heaven, their order is in the order of the army of Joel chapter 2, they are spiritually riding on horses with the strength, capacity and boldness of a lion, the speed of their horses is in the order of light, they carry divine speed, they are non-denominational, without doctrinal discrimination, wherever they appear, supernatural manifestation is made glare, they have access to thrones with which they operate authoritatively, they spend their time in the pavilion of God to access immortal materials, thus they are carriers of the Divine Doxa, which pervades the atmosphere of wherever they go to, fire, glory, wind and other supernatural elements are always around them - they have given up the terrestrial and signed up for the celestial, they are spiritual yet dwell in the physical, immortal in nature but still in the mortal flesh, they operate the supernatural naturally - this army is rising from among us, it is not a new denomination, wherever you worship you can be in the team, the kingdom of God is beyond the teachings of any church doctrine, it is being ruled by the immortal, invisible Ancient of days I Alo Olatokunboh Akin signed up for this army, never to look back, not to be hindered, barred or debarred by any religiosity or doctrinal chain that can pull me back, you can also do the same, to represent Jesus and His Kingdom in whatever church you worship To join this team, wherever you are just pray this prayer: Lord Jesus I sign up for the kingdom army, I will not allow the devil to use anything to hinder me, give me the grace, power and enabling to carry out your kingdom assignment, so help me God. After saying this prayer, all you have to do is to renew your commitment on a daily basis by submitting, surrendering and subjecting your spirit to the Holy Spirit for daily instructions and guidance, God bless you Please, the kingdom of God is greater, bigger and more powerful than your church - ain't calling you out of your church, but out of denominational and doctrinal mentality into the kingdom mentality The Spirit began to speak to me around 2:15am about the Unleashing that is taking place. God said through the Holy Spirit that: on a daily basis there is an unleashing taking place in the realms of the spirit, as the glory of God, the fire, the power and grace of God is been unleashed into world at different places per time, this is in order to empower and authorize the people that God has raised and raising as agents of His kingdom, for them to keep the work going and for the kingdom to keep expanding and enlarging Many a times, some people do not realize this move of the Spirit as waves of glory and fire comes from the immortal realms into the earth, some people even resist and fight against it, because the wave is manifesting through an unlikely or irrelevant person, vessel or even manner, they therefore look for a way to quench it, but because anything that is birthed or orchestrated or originated in the spirit or heavenly realm cannot be hindered in the physical realm, they find it difficult to do. Like the unleashing on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost was officially unleashed into the mortal realms for the manifestation of the fullness of His capacity, when there was a mighty rushing wind from heaven, the wave was unstoppable by any force from the earth and even the underworld, so also is the unleashing taking place in the now, wherever you are, whoever you are, the move of the Spirit in the now is taking another dimension, you must therefore make yourself available to be launched into this dimension and for you to operate there and provoke the supernatural in the natural.It is w