My name is ALVIN WALLACE, age 63, born on the 27th day of February 1952, in Douglas Georgia. I am faithfully married to Daphne Wallace. We have loving children, boys and girls. We lived in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I take pride in believing that the moon is the center of life as it changes from size to size shaking my life to what it is today.
My mind is centered around growths as I leave the State of Georgia from which I was born, while my wings crosses over into YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO being driven there by my Aunt and Uncle at a very young age between 6 and 8.
This enhanced my well-being into school of that State graduating years later from South High School in 1972. As the earth spins on its axle I found myself joining the Army, holding two MOS's (1) COMBAT ENGINEERING, (20 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, in which I served for 16 years.
I later after ETSs out of the military transitioned into civilian life working as an Emergency Medical Technician. Emergency Medical Technician 9 years, Wackenhut Security Inc, 2 years, which is now called G4S. Secure Solution, whom I still worked for, Nursing Assistant 1 year, and an Oklahoma Department of Corrections Office 6.5 years.
That bounced me into the world of writing and the discovery of my writing ability in the year 1997. My writing jet plane into such stories as follows: 0000-AN AIRPLANE STORY, U.S. MARSHALL, WOMAN OF LEATHER, AND THE SEA WARRIOR, FLIGHT 3204. THE CUTTING EDGE, AN INSTITUTION FROM HELL, FLIGHT 3204. THE LIFE LONG LIVED ABOUT DAPHNE WALLACE. RELATIONSHIPS, love, sex, and marriage, Evilness Is He Who Sinfully Preys On The Heart Of Young Children, and now, THE KING KOBRA OF SIN STRIKES WITHOUT WARNING PREYING ON THE HEART OF YOUNG AND THE WEAK (PREDATOR BEHIND THE MASK) This story initially was sought out to be a children's book but due to the content, material, and nature of the story the intentional purpose changes whereas governing the concerns of parents with regard to children safety. Special note: Relationships, love, sex and marriage, was published by iUniverse, 2/1/2011. This was when I truly discovered the fulfillment of writing and the joy it has given me over the years.
I was inspired to write through the divine devotion that I have a gift, and a turn of the wheel to express myself, and my enthusiasm through what I love best. Writing has the ability and the magnitude to take you places that you have never been before.
My hope is that one day my Manuscript after being transcribed into a BOOK, will become a book of films and movies bringing forth the birth of evil that lives around us. The evil that strikes without warning by abducting and kidnapping our children forcefully opening our eyes to the danger within other human beings.