Are you looking to improve your eating habits and your overall health and wellbeing?Are you looking to get started with the Ketogenic as a means of improving your eatinghabits?Have you started out with the Ketogenic diet and are looking to develop a functionalcookbook?Have you looked around but can't seem to find a decent set of guidelines and recipes
which you can easily put to use?
If you can relate to these questions, then this is the book for you.
In this book, we will take a look at how you can bring in one of the classics of
contemporary cooking, a slow cooker, in with the latest on Ketogenic cooking. This
volume will help you develop your own playbook that will help you come up a winner
each time.
In the following pages, you will not only learn about the Keto diet, what it is about and
what it can do for you, but also, how you can use a slow cooker to create some incredible
recipes that will have you believing you are not really on a Keto diet.
Here are some of the topics we will be discussing throughout this book:
The effects of a high protein and high fat diet
The need to address obesity before it becomes a health issue
Comparison between Atkins and Keto meal planning
The inner workings of the Keto diet
The needs to get your metabolism moving
The definition of Ketosis and its effect on your overall health and wellbeing
Building a Keto eating plan that actually works
Simplifying the Keto eating plan especially for people on the go
Common myths surrounding the Keto diet
How to get started with the Keto diet
.... And so much more!
If you are looking to get started with the Keto diet, but aren't really sure where to begin,
then this book has you covered. You will find all of the answers you need to the most
pressing questions about this meal plan. In addition, you will find some of the most
common objections that come with the Keto Diet and how you can overcome such
Also, you will learn about how you can use the Keto diet as a viable alternative to your
current meal plan and eating habits. That means that you won't have to concern yourself
with counting calories, but rather, you will be focused on eating what it is best for your
body and how that affects your health and wellbeing.
Plus, you can use the knowledge is this book to build a healthy eating plan that will
surely have your family feeling happy and satisfied every time they sit at the table.
So, what are you waiting for?
Come on in and find out about how you can incorporate the Keto diet as a means of
helping you lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy. You will find that with the right
pointers, you won't have to wonder about what's right and what's not anymore.
Everything you need is right here!
Now, click on that button and let's get started!