All you need to know to finally get started on Keto, in a SIMPLE, CONCISE guide!
This book combs through the thousands of pages worth of Keto Diet literature online. It presents only the accurate and necessary information you need to actually get started on a Keto Diet.
Unlike other bulkier books in the genre, this one is short and less verbose, but with no compromise! In fact, every single word used serves a purpose! Where other books sell you hype, this one only seeks to lay out the facts for you, good and bad.
With an easy to follow format, this book breaks with tradition. The format used is streamlined, so that information is easily accessible, even at a glance. The book contains just ten chapters, each serving as a step that you should take to achieve Keto success. The result? A scientifically accurate book, satisfying enough for those who are looking for answers, and concise enough for those who just want clear instructions.
The book starts from scratch, assuming that you have no prior knowledge of the Keto Diet. It defines important terms, and provides answers to pressing questions such as: Are there any long-term effects to following the diet? And how many types of Keto Diets are there?
In keeping with the spirit of genuineness and transparency, the author even discloses their biases, a step rarely taken in other books within the genre! The author's first priority is for you to finally stop being suffocated by so many sales-pitches about the diet, some of which are fake.
Grab yourself a copy of this book, and FINALLY start Keto!