About the Book
The story line of this book, is to bring about the picture in our mind of the river of life. Very early in our lifes, difficulties face us that take great courage and determination in order that we may succeed, so then the final outcome can be successful. We must learn very early on, to listen and remember the words of those that are wise, that have gone through the storms of life. Then we should try very hard to pass on these lessons of getting through the storms, with the least amount of difficulties. We must learn to whisper to ourselves, over and over again, these words of wisdom we have heard, and to remind ourselves, to remember these things. This will be a constant help, as we face the tasks that we will surely encounter on our journey. Also very early on, we will suffer the lose of things that are dear to us, things and people that we feel sure we just cannot do without. We will also fall off of some of the cliffs that we walk too close to, and then learn to grab hold of anything that can save us. If we are careful to remember the stories that have been told to us by them that are older and wiser, seasoned in the journey, we will find our way through the maze. We must then, ultimately find the source of all our strength, clinging to those that seemingly come into our lives, often times without any effort from us, as we just stumble into them and find that for some reason, they were placed in our path, to save us. Finally in our seeking we come to understand what the plan is, that truly there is a God, and we are able to see what He has placed us here to accomplish, while we are here in this world. We should then be able to come to the right understanding of Him, and learn to trust what He says and to follow the lead of His teachers and His teachings, so that ultimately in the end, we find ourselves also, who we are, and what our intended purpose was. And, in the final days of our journey, if we do these things, very often the Father of us all, might be able to turn over the great responsibilities of guiding the ship ourselves as we have learned from those before us, and bring about the successes of life to many others. Now, I hope you like the story of KEETOO.
About the Author: Born in the country, and raised in a small town in Oklahoma. When I was a small boy, we lived on a farm in Oklahoma. We had no electricity, no indoor plumbing, and drew water from the well outside. My birth was not by a doctor, but by the hands of my grandmother, who was a midwife, and who also delivered many hundreds of babies around the area where she lived in the 30's and 40's. I moved to Perkins, Okla. when I was 5, went to school through the 8th grade, and then moved to Calif. the summer of 1954, and started and finished High School in 1958. I married at 19, to my wonderful wife, Marcelle, and started to raise a family. We have 5 wonderful children and 11 grandchildren. I trained and learned the appliance service business when I was in my 20's, and worked in this trade for 24 years, when I finally sold out and retired at the age of 43, and moved to Doniphan, Missouri, where we lived for 21 years. At age 21, I also dedicated my life to the work of a Minister for the Lord, Jesus Christ, and have for the last 46 years, dedicated my life to Him, and the service of His people. Marcelle and I now live in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, where we intend to spend the rest of our days. We ask God's blessing upon all who take the time to read this book, and hope that it blesses you all.