A Christian school, of all places, should be a setting where Christian students should not have their faith attacked. Yet year by year, students enter classrooms where the teachings of the Bible and its trustworthiness will be denied by professors who call themselves Christians. Many students have their guard down, not expecting such opposition in such a place. This book seeks to give simple and straightforward warning, counsel, and encouragement to such students to trust Christ and His Word and keep the faith in their studies at a Christian college, university, or seminary. Edition 1.1. ENDORSEMENTS OF KEEPING THE FAITH IN A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE:
"Many of the 'baby boomer' generation did not attend college. With the increase in availability and opportunity, they have encouraged their children to go to college. Those parents from an Evangelical Christian background viewed a 'Christian' college as a bonus and sent many of their children there. Unfortunately, some of these college students quickly learned that what they knew as 'Christian' and what the school called 'Christian' were two different ideas. In this book, Doug Smith equips students and parents to enter college, especially 'Christian' colleges, with both eyes wide open. He writes from first-hand experience to guard future college students against the snares he encountered. I would highly recommend this resource to all parents and high school students who are considering a Christian college." - Josh Davis, Youth and Assistant Pastor, Antioch Baptist Church, Bristol, Virginia
"You head excitedly to a 'Christian' college as a young ministerial student to learn more about the Bible in hopes of getting better trained to preach and teach God's Word. But the sacred Book you've grown up believing and loving often becomes the target of attack - question marks being placed in the Bible by professors where God's Spirit had already put a period. Such was my experience, and I found myself starting to 'doubt' and even 'disbelieve' what I had been RIGHTLY taught about the Bible growing up. Only by God's grace and the mentoring of godly pastors in my life was I guarded from 'erring from thy statutes' (Psalm 119:118). How needful is such a book and how helpful it will be in keeping students who are Christians 'grounded' and 'growing' in 'the faith once delivered unto the saints!'" - Scott Price, Senior Pastor, Fellowship Chapel, Bristol, Virginia
"The season of college preparation is a busy one but the addition of reading Keeping the Faith in a Christian College is a wise addition to that busy season. In a concise and straightforward manner, Keeping the Faith in a Christian College will equip you to evaluate the colleges you are considering and to 'keep the faith' once you arrive on campus." - Beth Osborne Skinner, Attorney at Law, Bristol, Virginia
"Having worked with Doug for the past three years, I have seen his love for the students and his passion for the authority of the Scriptures. He understands the Biblical worldview issues. Preparing students to enter the world ready to give a reason for the hope they have is a calling in his life. This guide will be an invaluable resource to help students and parents in selecting a college whose mission is first and foremost to glorify the Lord." - Dr. Clay Brinson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Head of School, Cornerstone Christian Academy, Abingdon, Virginia
About the Author: Doug Smith is a graduate of a four-year liberal arts Christian school with a B. A. in history, a Master of Church Music from Pensacola Theological Seminary, and is presently enrolled as a distance student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He teaches at Cornerstone Christian Academy in Abingdon, Virginia, serves as a supply preacher and teacher with the Cumberland Area Pulpit Supply, and blogs at capsministry.com. He is the husband of Krystal, and they are members of Fellowship Chapel church in Bristol, Virginia, where they reside. They have five children.