You dont need eyes to obey God, said Prince Marzul, Gods master weapons craftsman, to Brasial, the first captain of Prince Michaels personal escort. Yet Marzuls comments continued to resonate in Brasials heart and influence his character from that day.
Brasials loyalty, obedience and sacrifice to duty results with his elevation to the status of angelic prince with a divine assignment.
To standing an eternal watch, Brasial, now an angelic prince, with flaming sword and unyielding obedience, guards the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
He has kept his divine vigil alone until God provided him with a human companion. Whose task was to command the forces of the Keep, while Brasial defended the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
However, the task had one major fault. Brasials companion had a limited life span. God declared in Scripture that the life of mans days shall be a hundred and twenty years (Genesis 6:3).
Brasial and the first commander of the Keep take us on an incredible journey and undertaking, to maintain man's dominion, to protect the secrets of the Keep and to find a suitable replacement for the present commander at time of his transition.
But time is against them. A new commander has not been selected. The end of the last minute of the time of man's life approaches for the current commander. Even demonic deceivers have inserted themselves into the search to prevent the change of commanders, while seeking to gain what they claim were their rights by creation.
So who would give up their natural life for one of absolute solitude to maintain man's dominion. Who would be the next Commander of the Garden of Eden and the Keep? Who would guard the Tree of Life and protect the knowledge of its powerful secret? A commander.