What if there was a world almost identical to yours that was ruled by bad people?
What if these bad people had created a system that richly rewarded their bad behaviour?
What if these bad people put their greed and perverse desires before anything?
What if these bad people regarded you, your life, hopes and dreams as worthless?
What if these bad people were, in reality, psychopaths?
What if you too could be a bad person, not by your actions but by your inaction?
BUT...what if, in this world so similar to ours, fairies and trolls existed, tasked with upholding the Universal Laws of love and justice?
Well then, sometimes in that world, Karma would bite back...
17 curious tales from the mythical (but very familiar) land of Anywhere about bad people, for once, actually getting what they really, really deserve.
Editorial reviews
"Brilliant comic technique, and a glorious sense of moral outrage at the current mess in which our country seems mired, combine here to make a unique reading experience. Often laugh-out-loud funny, the real-life characters behind these innocuous fairy tales and fables hit you by surprise, a series of sharp rocks hidden in those snowballs. Amazingly, with all the faux-naievete and children's book elements gleefully displayed here, the writing never becomes twee or condescending. I don't know where this writer's been all his life, but I intend to catch up with him, and keep an eye on where he's headed next!... Bravo, Mr. Hennerly!" - VINE VOICE
"This is the most spiritually and intellectually worthwhile and inspiring read I have encountered in a very long time ever since my days as a theological studies student. To me it is a humanist masterpiece on par with my favorite classists such as Faulkner, Lawrence and Bellow. It subverts conventional morals and doctrines while anchoring the plot development and the characters upon what I would call authentic virtues, Intuitive Knowledge and Intuitive Truth. Hennerley speaks Truth in this world of lies that shackle us from birth and asphyxiate us into death, all the while conspiring against our very vitality of the spirit. I cannot wait to read more similar stories from Hennerley! Thank you Hennerley for shining a beacon of light amidst such darkness we live under." - US REVIEW