About the Book
SUICIDE POEMS!!! Including The KamikazePoet, Skin of Dry Ice, Solar Lobster, Depression Rollercoaster, Seed, Slow Change, Dead Drunk, Squalor, Never Touch, Let Me Die Here, On the Run, No Such Creature, Science Madness, Alcohol Shards, Lost Wings, On the Verge, Mercy and Me, Already Forgotten, Son of Wound, Shock Night, Old Salt, Where the Shadows Fall From the Sky, Suffer Lifestyle, Dancing on the Rings of Saturn, Alley-Son, Conversation with the Anti-Christ, Oath, Human Prison, Define Existence, Rewriting Nostradamus, Soul of the Worm, Creator, Price and Challenge, Remains of Confusion, Monster in My Dreams, Off on a Dream, Blossom and Fade, Parameter, The Knife, Dark Paradise, Device, Lower than Life, An Awful Night to be Alive, Dependent on Nothing, Need None, Lie on the Cross, Geek Act, Ever So Dim, Suicide on Neptune, Ignite Society, If I Had a Gun, Lorenzo, Lonely Samurai, Wish You Were Awake, Video Store Employee, The Wrong Path, Dark Sight, Ledge, Dead Ember, Alone on Love Street, No Way Out, Alcohol Sun, Vomit, The Positive Negative, Eating Disorder, Youth Against Society, Needless Useless and Alone, If I Was Dead, Edgewise, On the Slant, Coke-Bottle Girl, Trickster Twister, Last Night, Only Enemy, Current Sum of My Existence, Human Contact, Love Hates Me, Closer, Lia, Venus by Moonlight, Love Unknown, Skyscrape, Black Hair in the Mirror, Pair of Guns, Train Wreck at Babylon Station, Season of Lies, Statue Man, I Believe in Monsters, Form, This Is Not For You, From the Darkest Heart With Love, Define Her, Never Know, Deprived and Depraved, Vanishing Act, Cosmic Glow, That Girl, Weak and Alone, Cutting Edge, The Glass Shell, Clear Kitten, Lost Child, Skeletons of the Soul, Outside, Hoarfrost on a Burning Heart, The World's Agony, All the Wooden Soldiers Are Burning, Dead Bodies Everywhere, Hillary, High School Babylon, All Things Final, Hallucinating for Fun and Profit, Believe in Them, They Believe in You, Self-destruction of the Mind's Eye, Shallow Shelter, In Our Nudity, Stargasm, Gray Flag, Daddy Darkness, Silver Sea, Toxic Kittens, Shadow of Thirty, Fragmentary Existence, Sorry Lucy, Patterns in the Shell, Sewing Circle, World War III, No Signs of Life and Slow Dancing with Spiders!!!