The First Kalimba Song Book for Beginners
Play by Letter: 30+ easy to play songs for beginners. How to Tune Your Kalimba and Learn Tablature Reading.
This collection of more than 30 famous songs is guaranteed to contain lots of popular favorites you'll just love playing.
Here are just a few things you'll discover inside this book:
Here is just a sliver of what you'll discover....
- An easy step-by-step guide to playing the over 30 songs contained in this book (I walk you through the whole process!);
- Practical exercises to make every step of the process as enjoyable as possible;
- How to potentially play thousands of songs by learning only a few chords;
- How to play your first song on your first day of practice;
- An easy (yet effective) method for mastering chord changes
- To know about 17-Key Kalimba;
- How to tune your Kalimba;
- Tricks to make it sound better for your kalimba;
- Learn tablature reading;
- Intervals;
- And that is barely even scratching the surface!
So don't wait, scroll up, click on "Buy Now and Start Reading!