(Based on true events) The exciting and adventurous story follows Kim Kahana's courageous, life journey. that begins in his childhood in Hawaii. His captivating and gripping life story is a dramatic recreation that combines the elements of coming of age, young adult fiction, action-adventure, historical and literary fiction. It is an exploration of survival, prejudice, first love, prejudice, war, juvenile delinquency, and heroism that spans decades of America's, social and cultural history. It models Hemingway's simple, straightforward style in order to engage teens and young adults, but it also resonates with adults from all walks of life.
In 1941, Kim Kahana walks to the Hawaiian ritual area with other island children from his village to learn lessons about their culture, legends and spiritual beliefs. He also trains in their secret, form of martial arts-the Lua.
The next day, a calamity of epic proportions occurs. Pearl Harbor's naval base is under attack by Japanese aircraft. This act propels America into World War II. Kim now grows up during the ravages of war. His only escape from his scary existence is his bond with American sailors who tell him incredible, stories about America. Kim is so inspired by their tales that after the war, he stows away to America. After he docks in San Francisco, he soon realizes that he is penniless and an orphaned by his own circumstances. What will Kim do now?
He travels on roads around the world with America's Greatest Generation, hoboes, military veterans: Hollywood's actors-producers-stuntmen, Latin musicians, cowboys, juvenile delinquents, martial artists, motorcyclists and fire sword dancers.
Some of the settings include the Hawaiian Islands, juvenile justice reformatories, foster homes, San Francisco, Corn Fields of Nebraska, South Pacific Islands, Korean War, Veterans Administration, Las Vegas, Canadian Champion Ice Skating Event, Hollywood's Film sets and ranches used for filming, Orlando, Florida film sets, Chatsworth, California and Groveland, Florida, stunt schools.
His story illustrates that if young Kim can grow up to beat all the odds and become a Korean War Hero, Legendary Hollywood Stuntman, a Sensei and Teacher to thousands of students in his stunt school then anyone can become a hero in their own life..
GET INSPIRED by Kim's courageous deeds and unwavering spirit as he triumphs over personal hardships and unforeseen, dangerous events than most of us will never face in our lifetime.
Two reviewers from Readers Favorite wrote: "When I got to the end, parting was such sweet sorrow. All I could say was "Wow!" and "It's for all teen readers seeking real-life heroes."