The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruits website.
"SEND ME" is the active, purposeful motto I have chosen for the Juniors for the coming year, and it is in my heart to urge you, dear superintendent and senior worker, to make this motto your prayer throughout the year. May not each heart plead with God to send me to the Juniors; "send me with a heart full of love; send me with an intense desire to show to them the Christ and his love; send me as his ambassador!"
Many of the Juniors who come to us have no reverence for God, no respect for his house, and not a spark of worship in their hearts.
They come from the home to the Junior society, and the opportunity is ours-ours to teach them reverence and obedience to God, respect and love for his church, and a loyal, loving service to Jesus Christ. To this end I have suggested subjects along these lines, and trust that they may be used as heart-to-heart talks with the Juniors.
Study the subjects carefully, and prepare a few good questions that will lead to an earnest talk with the Juniors. Do not preach a sermon or make a nice little speech to the Juniors, but lead them into a quiet, confidential, helpful talk.
Every topic should have careful preparation beforehand. Many should be planned a week or two in advance. On this will largely depend your success or failure.
I wonder whether you know how many splendid helps are to be had for Junior workers. If you do not, send to the United Society of Christian Endeavor, Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., for a catalogue of Junior supplies, also a catalogue of Perry pictures. A booklet entitled "The Islands for Juniors," can be had by sending twenty-five cents to the above ad_ dress. A book entitled "Chalk," published by the Fleming H. Revell Company, Chicago and New York, will help you in your black- board work. My New Year's greeting to the Juniors and their faithful superintendents.
Lansing, Mich.