The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruits website.
"ONE former is worth more than a hundred reformers." This sentence is startling in its significance, and to you who will use this little book through the fifty-two weeks of the year I pass on this note of encouragement.
The influence of a whole life of service to God is limitless; and, if by our combined efforts we mould even one life after the model, Christ Jesus, our lives have been well spent.
There is one thing absolutely necessary to the success of your Junior work, and that is prayer. Pray over every lesson. Pray for every Junior. If John is careless or disorderly in the meetings, pray for him. Quietly tell him that Jesus loves him and that you are praying for him.
In the preparation of these lessons I have had all Juniors in mind. I believe they apply as fully to the Juniors of one denomination as to those of another. "One is your Master, even Christ."
These lessons are simply outlines, and must be filled in and worked out in your own way.
Let me urge one thing; use your Juniors as helpers in making the object-lessons. With a little patient guidance they can do almost all of this work, and it not only helps you, but it helps them. Nothing will win one of the mischievous boys so quickly as to let him feel that he is necessary to the Junior society. Get the plan of your meeting so thoroughly fixed in your mind that you will not need to take this book to the meetings. Good work cannot be done if you are compelled to have the book before you to see what comes next.
Let me emphasize the importance of the Bible drills. The Juniors need to be taught how to use their Bibles.
May your reaping be abundant.
"Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love."
Lansing, Mich.