This Is Not Your Ordinary Guide to Juicing!
It is everything you need to know to get the most out of your fresh juices and enjoy a healthy, happier, more energized life! Starting out on your juicing journey can be hard and confusing, especially if you don't have a guide to walk you through and show you where to begin.
If you are new to juicing and just want to start enjoying freshly made juices, then this book is just what you need. It contains not just easy-to-make, healthy and delicious juice recipes, but it also shows you how to juice your fruits and vegetables and mix them up so you benefit the most out of your juices.
This book is more than just an ordinary juicing recipe book, it is a complete juicing starter guide and a nutrition plan that shows you things such as:
-how to prepare your fruits and vegetables for juicing,
-how to choose the best juicer (if you haven't already done that),
-what the colors of fruits and vegetables mean and what they are so important,
-when to drink your juices for maximum effect,
-how to store juices,
-what to do after you are done juicing
-over 100 juice recipe for weight loss, beautiful skin, cleansing and detox, energy and health, stronger bones and hair
-and much more...
If the 100 recipes are not enough, and you are worried about getting bored of the same juices, Donna also shows you how to improvise your own recipes, how to spice it up and keep it fresh, so you'll stay motivated, keep juicing and enjoying the great benefits of fresh juices.
Whether you buy this book or some other juicing diet book, what's important is that you just do it, and start juicing. Juicing has transformed my life, my family's life and many others have seen amazing results through juicing. The fact that you are here now, reading these words, means you care about your health and you want to make a change for the better.
If this book can help you on your journey to improve your health and life even a little bit, then Donna accomplished her goal.
So grab a copy of the "Juicing for Beginners Complete Start Up Guide" right now and start feeling better today!