About the Book
Judgement Day is a novel about thinking, and about how we think about thinking, and how we make decisions. Our characters try to explore how minds work, how decisions are made, how they are made badly and how they might be made better. They explore, in a set of radio plays, what the experts are saying about how we think, and how we make decisions. The book is another step on a long journey, which perhaps began with Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. A journey which took in a little bit of Plato, some Shakespeare, some Dickens, perhaps also Milan Kundera, and in the Arts, some Kandinsky and Monet and Rushka. It was a journey which stopped for a while to explore some thinking about thinking processes, called Synectics and TRIZ. The journey went wild after reading Robert Kegan's powerful book In Over our Heads, matched by the challenging ideas of the nature of Reality in David Deutsch's book, The Fabric of Reality, and Ian Stewart and David Cohen's book Figments of Reality.Major challenges on how we think we thing come from the work of V.S. Ramachandran, in his book Phantoms in the Brain, and from Jonah Lehrer's book, How we decide, and Dan Ariely's book The Upside of Irrationality, and Gerd Gigerenzer's Gut Feelings. Then there is Robert Kurzban's Why everyone else is a hypocrite, and Rita Carter's challenging ideas about our multiplicity, in her book, Multiplicity, which seems worth repeating.The essence of the book contains the idea that we make big mistakes or miss big opportunities because we fail to understand how we think, and how we think about our thinking, and how we make decisions. It is a novel because it is not easy, and maybe not possible, to approach an understanding of how we think by thinking, only by listening to others think about their thinking about how we think.To explore thinking about thinking the characters look at many different and important aspects of our lives, such as how we think about our free will, our consciousness, our creativity, our morality, the ideas of quality and wisdom, as well as society, love, jealousy and depression.All journeys begin, have a middle, and end, and the end is then another beginning. This book is the end of one journey and the beginning of another.It is a book for young and older, a book for those who wonder about where they have been and for those who wonder where they are going, or should go. It is a book for those who journey alone, and for those who walk alongside others, it is a book for those who on occasions carry others, and on occasions are carried by others, knowingly and not.It is a book which is easy to read but challenging to understand, it is a mirror to mirrors, a way of seeing ourselves see ourselves.The challenge in life is not to know ourselves, but to know how to think about how others see us, seeing them. The most intimate relationships develop an infinity of reflections in this way, a quantum entanglement of past and future, of measurement by action and reaction, no beginning and no ending, Judgement is not what you do but what you are. Every day, every moment, is a living judgement, to be enjoyed, cherished, for it is the Apple that makes us Human.Contents: Chapter 1 The PlanChapter 2 The TeamChapter 3 Cambio de SentidoChapter 4 Brain Chat 1Chapter 5 Free WillChapter 6 Self ControlChapter 7 MultiplicityChapter 8 AttentionChapter 9 TimeChapter 10 QualityChapter 11 CreativityChapter 12 MoralityChapter 13 A Short InterludeChapter 14 WisdomChapter 15 ConsciousnessChapter 16 Getting Things DoneChapter 17 SocietyChapter 18 LoveChapter 19 Problem CornerChapter 20 JealousyChapter 21 Fear and AnxietyChapter 22 Depression and LonelinessChapter 23 AngerChapter 24 Judgement Da