About the Book
Full Color Version Synopsis: The loss of love is not nearly as painful as our resistance to accepting it. I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again, and then tell myself that the mended whole was as good as the new. What is broken is broken and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best, then mend it and see the broken pieces as long as I lived. Sometimes, divorce is a sign of God's mercy and grace and not a symptom of human failure. So when it's finally over, you need to just step back, reassess the situation, and figure out just who you really are and what exactly you're looking for. The Journey to finding SomeThing More, often times left me with a visible sign on my back reading "Welcome to my playground, I have giant mood swings and emotional roller coaster rides!" Enjoy! At one point it was my main goal in life to have a psychiatric condition named after me. What happens when or if your special someone decides "they don't love you anymore!" Can you really just "Un-Love" someone you gave your heart to? How do you "Get Over" love or should I say "Recover" from Love? Don't get me wrong, being a young woman in love is amazing, being a mom simply overfills my heart with joy, but being a freaking cougar and not expecting it, it's absolutely PRICELESS!! Now I'm not complaining about marriage, after all it has made me exactly what I am today, Happily Divorced! Sherry Forler, a newly divorced 47 year old "Hot Mess" recently found herself becoming a very hot commodity living in small town America. She had always regarded herself as confidant level headed country girl with fairytale visions of love and for the most part, her fairytale came true. She married the Prince of her dreams raised a family, turned the house they built into a loving home, so she thought! How do you just STOP loving someone who has become a part of your soul? My heart didn't just break, it completely stopped. It has been said that Love is the world's strongest force and I am just supposed to whip up the strength to will it away, my aching ass! Where there was once happiness and laughter in my heart, now there is a hole that is never ending filled only with sorrow and longing. Trust me when I say that I have had my fair share of troubling emotions and dark hours in my life. Somehow I managed to overcome them with strength and endurance. Is this thing we call love a formidable foe or maybe it is just a monster that eats its own heart. For the aching and emptiness that clutches your heart tight, how do you escape? So here I am, a recently divorced "Hot Mess" with two grown children away at college and a puberty stricken 16 year old "wannabe" grown man, still at home. I have now entered into a strange new world called "dating" with relationship issues, ex-wife baggage, emotional roller coaster rides, and all the while rediscovering myself. Trust me as I say, we are so misled as kids! We're taught; the Princess kisses the frog and gets her Prince. However in my reality, I kiss the Prince and get a leech, a pig, a dog or a jackass! This is my story, my personal journey of letting go of the past, overcoming betrayal, personal growth, learning to trust again, finding self-worth, overcoming a horrific divorce, and now to finding Something More
About the Author: Sherry Forler, currently resides in Michigan. Freelance Writer, Blogger, Songwriter, Seasoned Social Case Worker, Pathways to Potential Success Coach. The loss of love is not nearly as painful as our resistance to accepting it. I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again, and then tell myself that the mended whole was as good as the new. What is broken is broken and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best, then mend it and see the broken pieces as long as I lived. Sometimes, divorce is a sign of God's mercy and grace and not a symptom of human failure. So when it's finally over, you need to just step back, reassess the situation, and figure out just who you really are and what exactly you're looking for. The journey to finding SomeThing More, often times left me with a visible sign on my back reading "Welcome to my playground, I have giant mood swings and emotional roller coaster rides!" Enjoy! At one point it was my main goal in life to have a psychiatric condition named after me. I have always written, from poems to songs to "screw you" letters (never sent ha ha), it wasn't until my father became ill that I took writing seriously. I wanted to remember everything about the last days of his life with me, how he felt, how I felt, our talks, our time spent in the hospital. I never wanted to forget the "feelings". So I wrote all my feelings down. Often times we get caught up in the "heat of the moment", or never get to say "goodbye" to loss, or have those " I should of said this or that" moments then we dwell on the lost moment, obsess over it and hold tight to the hurt. For me, writing all those "feelings" of "lost moments" has been a truly positive way to release all the negative and unhealthy feelings of remorse, grief, desperation, loss, abandonment, rejection and guilt. I write about everything from day-to-day life mishaps, to occurrences relating to my job, during my divorce and till now, Life after Divorce. So, I thought I would share my dad's dry sense of humor to the equation, talk about life issues regarding relationships and dating, add a little wisdom from life experiences, and maybe, just maybe, help someone along the way to start their own journey to finding Something More. ajourneytosomethingmore@yahoo.com