A Firsthand Account-Detailing the Faithfulness of God!
In a single moment, my entire life shattered before my eyes. Everything inside of me desperately wanted to scream out in order to give release to the excruciating pain. My mind was frantically scrambling, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Staring wide-eyed at my mom and with all sincerity, I concluded with, "Everything you've told me about God and Heaven had better be true!"
This was the pivotal moment where absolutely everything changed in my life. I immediately began my intentional search for the authenticity of God and, in finding Him, I was totally surprised to
discover the absolute reality of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I invite you to journey with me now as I travel back in time, calling to remembrance the incredible faithfulness of the LORD. Upon completion, I encourage you to make an intentional and informed
decision as to whether God and the Kingdom of Heaven are indeed an indisputable truth for each one of us to embrace. I believe the answer will both challenge and change the way you live your life...forever!
Linda Joy has chosen to live out the rest of her life in total thanksgiving to her Heavenly Father for all He has done, carefully unwrapping, thoroughly enjoying, and readily acknowledging each
new day as His gift to her. She is a personal friend and intentional follower of Jesus Christ. While continuing to author inspirational books in the Journey from Redemption to Restoration series, Linda Joy willingly moves under the direction of Holy Spirit, walks through open doors, and embraces each moment as a God-appointment. Her desire is to encourage you to confidently live out your true identity, discover the significance of your unique journey, step into your daily destiny, and impact the world around you.
Linda Joy is absolutely honoured to be a mom, and is thoroughly enjoying her new role as Mama Joy.