"This entire story is to help you know who you are." This "fairy tale for grown-ups" follows the Warrior's journey as he encounters castles and kings, battles and beasties, while learning to live from an open heart. The Warrior explains how to live the truth of you, how to have a healthy relationship to authority figures, and how to be vulnerable and strong at the same time.
"Anything that is presenting itself to you is presenting itself to you for growth."
Filled with humor, sage advice, penetrating insight, and above all, profound support for your process, the Warrior's tale clarifies your spiritual path.
"Now, it's really fun to see the King when you stink. Why? Because what you want the king to know is that you are not just a little pawn in his game to be manipulated to his benefit. When you go to see the king, whomever the king is in your world, take who you are with you, and if that means you drop mud on this perfect floor, well, there you are."
The Warrior is one of the seven Council members channeled by Veronica Torres. The Council's teachings focus on spiritual growth and the movement from the fear-based to the consciousness-based operating system. They specialize in offering specific tools which will facilitate your spiritual growth.
In addition to the Warrior's story, The Journey of Consciousness includes the following tools: Clarity vs. certainty; Feet under shoulders; How ridiculous does it have to get?; I don't know anything; Lay it down and walk away; Mad scientist; Neutral observation; "No" is a complete sentence; Point fingers; Preferences/judgments; Script holding/Script-holders; Strongest chakra; Vulnerability vs. weakness; What's in your lap?; What is true now?; Where am I lying to myself? "Wow!", not "why?", and You to you (comparing). It also includes 126 definitions of terms and concepts used in The Council's teachings. 74,000 words, 207 pages
"When you're facing your triggers, if you start to waiver in your courage, just imagine that we stand behind you. We stand there to show you that you don't have to fear that you are not enough. You can be afraid of the triggers, but don't be afraid that you're not enough. We will stand beside you in consciousness and courage any time you wish." - The Warrior