David Dillon was a happy baby, but by his first birthday, his parents were worried something was wrong. By preschool David was obsessive, anxious, and aggressive.
At age six, David was diagnosed with ADHD, and as time progressed, a series of doctors made additional diagnoses, including anxiety, sleep problems, Tourette's syndrome, trichotillomania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression. Medication after medication was offered, with little success. Eventually doctors bluntly told Emily L. Dillon her son would never have a normal life.
Emily refused to accept this dire prediction. She embarked on her own quest for a cure for David, spending thousands of hours on the Internet and communicating with leading brain chemical researchers, many of whom had been bullied into silence by the pharmaceutical industry.
Emily's research led her to a possible cure. It seemed like a long shot, but as her father told her, she had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Today, David is happy, healthy, and heading to college, thanks to a revolutionary therapy capable of improving the lives of many children with mental disorders. For readers who have walked the same path as the Dillons, Journey to a Cure offers real hope for healing.
About the Author: Emily L. Dillon never expected to write a book, but her struggle to help her oldest son overcome severe mental and behavioral disorders inspired her to do so. She hopes her experiences researching a natural cure for her son's mental health and behavior problems will help other families receive the assistance they need without enduring her difficult journey.
She and her husband, Steve, have two sons, David and Matthew. She holds a college degree and loves cooking, reading, gardening, and savoring a glass of wine. She volunteers as a mentor for a children's charity.