JOURNAL YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS provides a way to organize your life with intention. Mindful self-care is the key to success at work or at home! It helps individuals prioritize self-care by taking one hour per day to engage in six activities and journaling about their experience, plans, and ideas inspired by these activities. The goal is to become more organized, more successful in your career, stronger physically, and find more balance and peace in both your personal life and career.
The six key activities to participate in each day are the following:
- Quiet Time, where you find 10 minutes in the morning to be quiet, still your mind, and control your stress.
- Goal Setting, where you set goals for the day or for a longer-term, such as a goal for a meeting that day or a more longer term professional or personal goal you want to achieve in the next month, six months, or even a year.
- Gratitude List, helps you focus on the positive things in your life by listing all the great things in your life that you are happy for, this positive attitude can carry you throughout your day.
- Daily Workout, where you move your body in different ways, using whatever type of exercise that best fits you -- anything from exercising at a gym to walking the dog.
- Healthy Eating, where you focus on your diet and intentionally eating more healthy, nutritious food, this is not a diet but a lifestyle with baby steps.
- Important Things to Do Today, where you list the appointments or meetings you have each day, along with details about those appointments and what you want to achieve.
After each activity, there is space to journal what you have learned, and two more pages to write down additional ideas as you think about your experiences. This journal challenges the individual more deeply as the weeks continue with the end goal being more success, balance and happiness in life, but don't stop there, after 12 weeks of progress, most will want to continue the process in another journal.
The ideal result: a happier, healthier, more successful you!