As you already know, your success in building muscle and burning fat depends on providing enough energy in the form of food. To burn fat, you need to create an energy deficit, and you create it in two ways, through;
① Physical activity
② Calorie deficit.
Sculpting workout (also known as reduction workout) is the final cut for the muscle developed during long-term workouts and a high-calorie diet. This Workout helps to get rid of fat that has accumulated together with muscles due to excess calories. The purpose of training for cutting is to reduce fat, tone up the body and define the muscles to look more aesthetic. It is based on high intensity exercise, which helps to oxygenate and increase blood supply to muscles. Thanks to this, they become harder and gain a better look.--- Buying this book you will get ready strategy to get ripped, based on experience of many trainers and bodybuilders
◆◆◆Remember that even the best workout plan will not give you a guarantee of LOW BODY FAT if you don't take care of your nutrition and especially the key thing, that is, deficit calories.⚠ To create a calorie deficit you need to know how many calories you eat every day, so it is important to count calories, even at the beginning, for the first few weeks, after that time you will more be able to determine how many calories is on your plate, and counting will no longer be necessary. Calorie counting and macros is still on and I think it will remain one of the most effective methods of building muscle and burning fat for a long time. Proper management of calories and macros will provide you with low body fat and toned body.✓
◆ The 8-Week Workout Plan for Getting Ripped
◆ Extended knowledge of diet and training for fat burning
◆ 18 spaces for daily workout ( log exercises, number of reps, sets, load
used, date. Enough for 6 Week Cycle
◆ 42 spaces for calorie counting and macro nutrients. Enough for 8 weeks
◆ 12 spaces to create your own recipes with calorie and macro nutrients
◆ 2 pages to track your progress (body measurements and priorities)
◆ Space for setting a specific goal
◆ Formula to calculate your daily calorie requirement (calculate how much calorie you need to eat to build muscle or burn fat