Christmas greetings! It's me, Jingles, the gentleman tabby cat.
Recently, Mom surprised Paws and me with a new feline addition to our family. Shadows has a funny tail and is fairly shy, but after a rather rigorous mouse-hunting escapade (which had Mom jumping out of bed multiple times!), and in the spirit of Christmas, we've decided to welcome him as our baby brother.
Speaking of good cheer, you'll never believe the crazy Christmas Eve adventure that Paws, Shadows, and I went on with the man himself-that's right, Santa Claus! It may involve us sneaking into his sack of presents...and riding on his sleigh...and meeting his reindeer, but you'll have to read all about every tantalizing detail in my latest publication, Jingles, Shadows, Paws, and Santa Claus.
Be sure you keep up with all my adventures, starting with my first two books, The Official Diary of Jingles "Harvard-Bound" Jackson and Jingles Gets a Brother. While all the books appear to be written by Mom, we all know whose paws are really tapping the keys!
About the Author: Arnette Jackson is a proud mother, grandmother, and lover of cats. She has two sons, two daughters-in-law, and seven grandchildren, and over the years, she has adopted numerous rescue cats.
She holds a bachelor of music degree from the University of North Texas and has had a varied career, working as a secretary, teacher, director of a church children's choir, and real estate broker. Originally from Beeville, Texas, she moved to Anderson Island, Washington, six years ago.
The author of many Christian songs, Jackson has also recently started writing a series of children's books following the adventures of her rescue cats.