Introduction: Almighty God's Powerful Protection 3.3.20
Almighty God said,
"In the midst of challenges, of circumstance, and unexpected events, to challenge even the most Faithful, these tests of Faith, are the opportunity, to seek The Wisdom, and Guidance, and Protection of Almighty God, beyond the capabilities of one's own. And this strengthens the spirit, the soul, emboldened, with Almighty God's infinite Powers, of Protection, to change circumstance and events, and sequence, and hearts and minds, and perceptions, and words, and actions, and reactions, to change the present, and the future, and therefore, history. And these are subtle, as they happen, in real time, yet the ultimate consequence of reality, profound, beyond comprehension, of the reality of tragedy never happening, and yet happiness instead. You may choose, whatever you want, and Peace, or war, and yours to choose, with your words, with your actions, and filled with their intentions, and you will find, in everyone you meet and greet, transformed into Peace, or war, and your choice. And this is the Truth, and you are empowered with Creativity, and you will create, with your words, your intention for the World, and with this power, the responsibility, to the degree of your influence, and you will receive these, via Universal Law of reciprocity. you are the captain of your ship, your miraculous, unlimited human body, you. Do not underestimate your value, your potential, your destiny, your contribution to society, in creative ways, because you are a creator." And then, Almighty God, reached His mighty Arm, for His Greatest Pride And Joy, His Sun, Jesus, with a confident look into His eyes, for Jesus to speak. And Jesus said, "Your valuation is everything, and you have been taught, and trained, and conditioned, and programmed, by culture, and society, and the media, about what is important, what isn't, who is, and isn't, and the way things are, and the way things should be, and the assignment of each demographic, and all of these, contrived, for the purpose of controlling society, to serve the powerful few, who declared it. you are valuable, priceless beyond measure, and your worth, cannot be reduced, unless you decide to, accept these degradations, which are direct insults to their Creator, Almighty God. And you will decide how valuable you are, and the World, and everything in it, and as you decide, your Creator will decide, and you will become, as great as you want to be, yet the Greatest Prize is Heaven, beside your Creator, in Paradise." And then, Jesus provided, A Powerful Prayer For Guidance And Protection. And Jesus prayed, "Almighty God, Thank You for saving us, our souls, primarily, and our minds and bodies, and our hopes and dreams. Please help us to seek You, Almighty God, first, especially in the midst of challenges, for Composure, Guidance, Protection Strength, Hope, and A Vision of the best course of action, remembering, that everything benefits us, when we choose to see this way, to learn to forgive, to be generous, and to lead, for World Peace. All men, women, and children of God."