About the Book
Revelations for World Peace 6.24.2022 The Jesus Interviews with Amy Gibson You Tube
Almighty God, provided, these Salvations of Revelations, which are realizations,
"The Heavens, are intervening the world, for the gradual progression of World Peace, although the current political climate, is contrast, in some places. Humanity needs to remember, there is a next, afterlife, beyond the temporary, mortal lifespan, for the accumulation, of intentions, for consequence, and will realize the truth, with Faith, for the truly Faithful, and these Revelations, will happen too late, for those who disregarded Faith, and The Wisdom of God."
And then, The Almighty God, bowed, to God's Greatest Pride and Joy, The Shining Sun, Jesus, to proclaim The Wisdom of God, to the world. And Jesus, with anticipation of relief, for the future quality of experience, of witnessing humanity,
in a state of World Peace, smiled, and provided, these priceless Words,
"The Judge of humanity, has changed policy. As of the year 2019, to no longer allow animals, to reincarnate, into humans.
And Spiritual Law's improvement, will naturally, and gradually, over the course of years, create, World Peace. And World Peace, is, safety, prosperity, and paradise, on Planet Earth, in all places, and peoples, always, by their intentions, and soul compositions, of Heavenly origin.
And then, Jesus, provided, A Powerful Proclamation, of Proliferation of Prayer, to Create World Peace.
And Jesus, prayed, "Almighty God, Please intervene humanity, in all ways, to change the mind of society, to receive The Revelations, to know better, and choose, to Create, World Peace. All men, women, and children of Faith."