About the Book
This book tells of God's goodness, his mercy, his grace, his faithfulness, and his love for the human race. This book offers encouragement, and hope for a brighter tomorrow. Are you facing difficult challenges in your life? Do you have questions about faith, and why God sometimes seem to be far away? Does God really hears, and answers prayers? What are some of the signs that Jesus will be coming back soon? Is there hope beyond this present world? What will we be doing in heaven? Do you sometimes become discouraged, and feel like giving up? The author of this book seeks to answer these questions directly, from the word of God, the Holy Bible. The author prays that the reader will desire to spend more time, in prayer, and the study of God's words, the Holy Bible. Personal testimonies tell of how God saved the lives of the author of this book, and her children, when they were involved in a terrible auto accident. There are poems that will be of blessing to the reader. God has a plan for our lives, and he wants to have a relationship with us. This book will help those who are struggling with forgiveness, being forgiven, financial crisis, the loss of a job, discouragement, and much more. There is hope, in this world, and there is promise of a new world to come. In the new world, there will be no more sickness, death, sin, pain, sorrow, crying, for the former things will all pass away. Please readers, study your bibles, seek the Lord while you still have time. The devil is not playing, he is very angry, his time is short, and he is on the warpath. Our only hope of survival is trusting in Jesus Christ, and surrendering our all to him. Please visit my website at: http: //biblebased.weebly.com/ "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13. This book is available on line, at: https: //www.createspace.com/4619003 If you have questions: Please contact Createspace at 206-922-0860. Thanks for ordering.
About the Author: Verna was born in Jamaica, West Indies. She is in the process of writing two more books on prayer, and the other on God's amazing grace. She received several certificates from the University of Southern California, (USC.) where she worked for many years. Verna enjoyed using a bow and arrow (archery), ice skating, judo - (has a brown belt in judo, ) and badminton. While at the University, one summer she was bored, and signed up with the United States Army, where she was a Cadet, - (Officer Status, Charley Company, ) basic training at Fort Knox Kentucky, but never joined the army. Her best part in the Army, was R&R, (rest and relaxation.) She enjoyed rifle shooting, and grenade throwing. Dating partner, a piano, she found, while exploring the base. While cleaning her rifle one afternoon (M16-A1) the Lieutenant Colonel from the university she attended, came to speak with her. She moved the rifle narrowly missing his eye. He moved from beside her, as fast as he could, and said: "MacKay, you are dangerous, I'm getting as far away from you as I can." Verna has written several articles on health, and other topics. Verna was involved in prison ministry, and wrote several plays for the prisoners to perform. She sang, played her guitar, and keyboard for the prisoners. She was involved in the feeding program for the homeless, as a volunteer. She visited the nursing facilities to sing, and play for the residents. Verna is the mother of identical twin daughters, Samantha and Andrea Small. Verna remembers that her husband washed the same babies face twice. When Samantha and Andrea are seen individually, people think they are seeing one person. When they are seen together, people are surprised to see there are two of them. Both daughters majored in Computer Animation, and graduated with a degree in that field.