See below for English description.
Cette histoire vraie, touchante et superbement illustrée racontela vie d'un jeune garçon kenyan nommé Baraka atteint d'uneincapacité physique. Baraka habite avec sa grand-mère et seshuit cousins dans un petit village pauvre. Sa grand-mère s'occuped'eux et les aime tendrement, mais il n'y a jamais assez d'argentpour bien les nourrir et les vêtir. Baraka est très jeune et sa grand-mèreest fatiguée et trop âgée pour prendre soin de lui. C'estavec tristesse qu'elle décide de le confier à un orphelinat.Cette histoire met en lumière l'immense coeur et le bel espritde Baraka. La relation attendrissante entre grand-mère etpetit-fils ne manquera pas d'émouvoir tous les lecteurs.
Based on the life of a real boy, this warm-hearted, beautifully illustrated book tells the story of Baraka, a young Kenyan boy with a physical disability. Baraka and eight cousins live with their grandmother. She gives them boundless love, but there is never enough money or food, and life is hard - love doesn't feed hungry stomachs or clothe growing bodies, or school keen minds. Baraka is too young, and, with his disability, needs too much, and she is too old. A difficult choice must be made, and grandmother and grandchild set off on a journey to see if there is a place at the orphanage for Baraka. The story begins by looking at Baraka's physical disability as a misfortune, but ends by looking beyond the disability, to his great heart and spirit, and the blessings he brings.
Original title: My Name is Blessing
About the Author: Eric Walters a commenc? sa carri?re comme travailleur social, puis enseignant ? l'?cole primaire. Son premier roman Stand Your Ground a ?t? publi? en 1993. Depuis, il a ?crit plus de 70 livres pour jeunes adultes et a gagn? plus de 100 prix. Il a aussi fond?, et g?re actuellement, l'organisme ? but non lucratif The Creation of Hope. Cet organisme fournit des soins aux orphelins dans la r?gion de Mbooni au Kenya. Eric Walters habite ? Mississauga, en Ontario.
L'illustratrice Eugenie Fernandes est laur?ate de nombreux prix. Elle a cr plus de 20 livres, et elle a illustr? plus de 60 albums. Elle vit pr's de Peterborough, en Ontario.
Eric Walters is a former social worker and elementary school teacher. He wrote his first novel, Stand Your Ground, in 1993. Since then, he has written more than 70 books for young adults and has won more than 100 awards. Eric also founded and runs The Creation of Hope, an organization dedicated to providing care for orphans in the rural Mbooni district in Kenya. He lives in Mississauga, Ontario.
Eugenie Fernandes is an award-winning illustrator. She has written and illustrated more than 20 books, and has created the art for more than 60 other picture books. Eugenie lives on a lake near Peterborough, Ontario.