Jayce Recovered? may be read as a stand-alone novel or as part of the series entitled Tara's Family.
The books in this series are: Jayce Recovered?; Braking Kane; From the Valley
In "Jayce Recovered?", Tara, the narrator, tells us the story of her younger brother, Jayce. Because his behavior suddenly deteriorates sharply, at about age fourteen, Jayce goes to live with his sister, Tara, her husband, Teddy, and their two small sons. Tara and Teddy struggle to help Jayce find his way out of criminal behavior and drug abuse, while, at the same time, working to grow and raise their own little family. In addition, Teddy's younger brother, Joey, also struggling with addictions, needs their help. For those who have read other novels in this series, Jayce's prominent role makes this a 'must read' for those who have gotten to know this character. But, for those who are new to this sequence of books, Jayce Recovered? is a great place to start getting to know this very likable, very close, and very determined, family.
This series of books was written to help the author, herself, to explore the many issues surrounding Substance Use Disorder and to "shore up" her own level of compassion toward those who are most often suffering with the onset of this dis-ease: adolescents and their families. This is a work of fiction. In today's world, treatment of addictions is best done in a professional setting designed to help the addict into a successful recovery. Ms. Dell hopes that these books will, also, provide insight for, and engender compassion among, those for whom this is not an issue, so that they may better understand their neighbors, friends, and even other family members, who are struggling.
Each book in this series comes with Discussion Questions, both for the General Reader and for those who find themselves "in the trenches" (perhaps as counselors-in-training, family members, teachers, law enforcement, or in other capacities in the community).
May it serve the purpose.