J2EE is the server side specification that all corporate Java developers need to understand regardless of the vendor (BEA, IBM, open source) they use for their Java applications. This new specification release will drive the need for current and new Java developers to learn the new technologies and look for new examples and code.
About the Author
James McGovern is currently employed as an enterprise architect for Hartford Financial Services. He is the coauthor of The Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture (Prentice Hall, 2003), Java Web Services Architecture (Morgan Kaufmann, 2003), and Xquery-Kick Start (Sams Publishing, 2003). James has 16 years of experience in information technology. He is a member of the Java Community Process, the IEEE, and the Worldwide Institute of Software Architects. He holds industry certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, and Sun.
Rahim Adatia has been programming since he got his first computer-a TRS-80-way back in the beginning of the '80s. Fortunately, he didn't stagnate there and progressed on to developing large-scale enterprise architectures using C/C++, UML, CORBA, J2EE/EJB/Java, and now C# and .NET.
Yakov Fain has more than 20 years of experience in information technology and is an experienced architect, developer, instructor, and mentor. He is the author of The Java Tutorial for the Real World. Yakov is the principal of Smart Data Processing, Inc. (www.smartdataprocessing.com), whose clients include major Wall Street companies. He is a Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer and a Sybase Certified Powerbuilder Developer.
Jason Gordon is a software engineer for Verizon and serves as lead for the Global Email system team. While at Verizon he has played a variety of roles, including systems architect for the eBusiness Technology Integration and eInfrastructure group and key developer of the EDGE project, which helped provide a Web-based infrastructure to facilitate the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE into Verizon.
Ethan Henry has most recently worked as the manager of training services at Sitraka. In previous positions he was a developer, product manager, and Java evangelist. He has written numerous articles for Java Report, Dr. Dobbs Journal, Java Developers Journal, and Web Techniques. He has been a technical reviewer of multiple books, including Enterprise Java Beans by Valesky, Java How to Program by Dietel and Dietel, Professional JSP by Wrox, and Java Language API Superbible from the Waite Group all the way back in 1996.
Walter Hurst is the chief technology officer and founder of Wakesoft. He is widely recognized as a leader in the design and implementation of large-scale distributed enterprise applications. At Wakesoft, Walter was the product architect and author before becoming more involved in company strategy and industry leadership. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and often writes for technical publications.
Ashish Jain is an enterprise consultant/architect with over ten years of IT experience. He currently works for BEA Systems Professional Services. In this capacity, Ashish assists BEA customers in designing and implementing their e-business strategies using solutions based on J2EE. He holds several industry certifications from SUN and BEA. He is an active member of local J2EE-user groups and a board member of the Denver BEA-user group. He holds a degree in electronics engineering from BITS Pilani, India.
Mark Little is Head of Transactions Technology for Arjuna Technologies Limited, a company that spun off from Hewlett-Packard to concentrate on developing transactions technologies for J2EE and Web services. Prior to this, Mark was a distinguished engineer/architect in HP’s Arjuna Labs in England, where he led the HP Transaction Service and HP Web Services Transaction teams.
Vaidyanathan Nagarajan is the coauthor of a recent book, Xquery-Kick Start (Sams Publishing). He has seven years of experience in information technology. Prior to joining Hartford Life Insurance as an enterprise developer, he worked as a consultant to Netscape Professional Services. He has an MBA from a leading business school. His main interests include programming in Java, robotics using Lego Mindstorms, writing, reading, and cartooning.
Vaidyanathan Nagarajan is the coauthor of a recent book, Xquery-Kick Start (Sams Publishing). He coauthored Professional EJB for Wrox in summer of 2001. He has seven years of experience in information technology. Prior to joining Hartford Life Insurance as an enterprise developer, he worked as a consultant to Netscape Professional Services.
Harshad Oak holds a master's degree in computer management and is a Sun Certified Java Programmer and a Sun Certified Web Component Developer. He has been part of several J2EE projects at i-flex Solutions and Cognizant Technology Solutions. He is also a regular contributor of articles to developer Web sites like http://www.builder.com.
Lee Anne Phillips has a long history in computer networking and interface design, having created beaucoup systems-firmware and machine-language hardware-interface routines before the appearance of Java and other sensible tools to relieve the burdens of a suffering humanity.
Table of Contents:
Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Understanding Java and the J2EE Platform
Chapter 2: Reviewing XML Fundamentals
Chapter 3: Introducing Application Servers
Chapter 4: Understanding Remote Method Invocation
Part II: The Presentation Tier
Chapter 5: Studying Servlet Programming
Chapter 6: Going Over JSP Basics
Chapter 7: Using JSP Tag Extensions
Part III: The Enterprise Information System Tier
Chapter 8: Working with JavaMail
Chapter 9: Understanding the Java Messaging Service
Chapter 10: Introducing Java Transactions
Chapter 11: Examining JNDI and Directory Services
Chapter 12: Understanding Java Authentication and Authorization Services
Chapter 13: Exploring Java Cryptography Extensions
Part IV: The Service Tier
Chapter 14: Understanding EJB Architecture and Design
Chapter 15: Explaining Session Beans and Business Logic
Chapter 16: Working with Entity Beans
Chapter 17: Using Message-Driven Beans
Part V: The Data Tier
Chapter 18: Reviewing Java Database Connectivity
Chapter 19: Understanding the J2EE Connector Architecture
Part VI: Web Services
Chapter 20: Introducing Web Services
Chapter 21: Digging Deeper into SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI
Chapter 22: Understanding J2EE Web Services
Part VII: Patterns
Chapter 23: Reviewing Presentation-Tier Patterns
Chapter 24: Working with Service-Tier Patterns
Chapter 25: Using Data-Tier Patterns
Part VIII: Advanced Topics
Chapter 26: Exploring Frameworks and Application Architecture
Chapter 27: Using ANT to Build and Deploy Applications
Chapter 28: Creating High-Performance Java Applications
Appendix A: Airline Reservations Business Case
Appendix B: Magazine Publisher Business Case
Appendix C: Additional Reading and References