I've Published My Book Now, What? A Simple Guide To Establishing A Successful Author Brand.
Publishing the book is the easy part. The work truly begins before you publish the book.
If you desire to write and publish your book, then I've Published My Book Now, What? Can help you!
This book will equip you and encourage you to build your author brand first before selling to your reader audience.
Have you taken the steps to create an author brand?
Does the thought of publishing your book excite you and scare you at the same time?
Have you published a book and are currently at a standstill, because you do not know what the next steps are?
Do you have a clear understanding of your reader audience?
This book was completely designed to eliminate the following publishing fears and frustrations:
→Unsure of Reader Audience (Target Audience)
→How To Create An Author Brand
→How To Create A Marketing Strategy That Generates Revenue
Some of the POWER Filled Author Features Are:
⭐️Author Brand Checklist
⭐️Author Book Signing Pitch Template
⭐️Free Author Resources
Do you have a branding and marketing strategy for your book?
I've Published My Book Now, What?(TM)️ will help authors understand the importance of an author brand, marketing strategy and truly getting clarity about their reader audience.
Are you ready to disrupt the author industry? Let's Go!