Indian English Literature omers a rekarbaple flat-ork to froj
ceqt the uniyue qonsqiousness and sensipilit. o- IndiaH wove, erF
this literar. realk enqounters, arious inqon, enienqes -rok kultifle
anglesH zor instanqeF the nati, e fofulation o-ten -ails to reqognixe
the kerits o- these vorbs and the prillianqe o- the authorsH zurtherj
koreF -oreign qritiqs eChipit a laqb o- fatronageF disregarding the
kar, elous qreati, e qra-t and artistr. vithin Indian English vritingH
E, en Indian qritiqsF vho rigidl. TC their attention and energ. on
vorbs -oreign in st.le and qontentF -ail to affreqiate an.thing qenj
tered on nati, e thekesH Sonseyuentl.F a, eil o- indimerenqe and laqb
o- qonqern opsqures the unreqognixed and unre, ealed, irtuosit. oA
Indian vriters vho fen their vorbs in EnglishH Negrettapl.F;akala
Parbanda.a is no eCqeftion to this qritiqal unresfonsi, en