For Pierre Sotér "Details make perfection, yet perfection is not a detail. Men, like Leonardo da Vinci, can with few words describe complex concepts and realities. Others, without needing to push, are able to advise and raise awareness in powerful ways with simple words, too. For those that don't have such a gift for synthesis and sharp thinking, and still know that too many words only confuse and blur, poetry becomes the ideal tool to pass their message. A tool with which they can express their views and concerns in ways that sometimes may hurt, but with the constructive power of touching our conscience without punishing nor making anyone lose face, without imposing the loneliness of guilt.
... This book has been written in the context of realities that I have tried to understand but to which no one may ever find final answers and first causes. The feelings I experienced while I wrote, as with most of our feelings, were certainly determined by a too complex set of circumstances and factors that I tried to register in compact words, through poetry. I could not do it otherwise. And if I will go through it again, the result may not be the same. Life may not have causes as clear as we want to believe."
Cover poem, "It May Be Better"
What thoughts has thinking hard put in my brain
that show a different world than my eyes see?
Before, things easier were, clear and plain,
but now are always less than used to be.
What did I learn from all that reason claims?
A lot indeed, it cannot be denied,
but reason wanted, too, to have no frames,
and started reasoning things not verified.
What knowledge has been left inside my heart
that neither thoughts nor reason understand?
How can it know so well to beat, how hard,
why all my feelings does it still command?
To know beyond what can be known does fetter,
to know less, but wisely, it may be better.