About the Book
The ceaseless Struggle between Archetypal Good and Evil wears thin the robes of decency. People become satiated and then desensitized. Weariness numbs the once vibrant mind into a lethargic mass. People tire of political undermining, fear mongering, manipulative distortions, and "the same old, same old." "Islam vs. Terrorists" is the refreshing breeze from Lexington to Yorktown! With minutemen and the Continental Army, every American's freedom was secured. Likewise, with believers and organized religions, all of humanity's freedom is ensured. Democracy holds sway over theocracy. Separation of church and state champions egalitarianism. United citizens empower the world community. Timely and timeless, it imparts American Tradition, exemplifying the best of the Growth Cycle: Diversity, Tolerance, Creativity, and Continuity. "Islam vs. Terrorists" uplifts the human Spirit of the Founding Fathers. The sanctity and wholesomeness of their enlightened Spirituality is clearly mirrored in their political philosophy and their articulated governance: "The Constitution of the United States of America." The justice of their cause is a mobile in motion. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness dance with generations of families and children in the waft of personal freedom and social order. Terrorism is unveiled, set back on its heels, and put in its place. Sources of terrorism are exposed, both domestic and foreign. Counter-measures are specified. Authored by a cleric of 30 years experience, no quarter is given to terrorism's goals, strategies, and tactics. Setting forth a remedy, "Islam vs. Terrorists" transforms conventional wisdom. The surprise ending is just the beginning! That beginning is even more surprising!
About the Author: Biography Born in rural Wisconsin, raised in a Chicago suburb, and graduated from a Wisconsin small town village High School, The Rev. Thomas Zuhlke, earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the "Big Ten" School of Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Earning a 3 year professional Master of Divinity degree from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, he served 2 urban churches and specialized in small rural, multiple denomination and multiple church parishes in a 30 year ministry. During which time, he completed two Basic Units of Clinical Pastoral Education units, serving as a Chaplain in Wisconsin's two Mental Health Institutes' Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment Centers. With training in AODA counseling and facilitating and also, in pastoral counseling, he has served churches, courts, school districts, and correctional institutes. Of particular note were the Peacemaking/Conflict Management Workshops at Trinity UCC and the full time teaching of special education students in five different school districts. In between, he had added a varied and broad work experience. He worked as a Research Supervisor with Ralston Purina Company at St. Louis and Gray Summit, MO, a manager of two feed mills, and a Volunteer Chaplain at the Oxford Federal Correctional Institute. Believing in service to the community, he contributed hundreds of hours of statistical work to the 40 Assets - Healthy Communities / Healthy Youth of Search Institute and the After School A+ Program, for two school districts, generating important, usable date results for the benefit of children. Participating in community service clubs, you can find him working the Scholarship Bratwurst Stand or the Chili / Soup Day Contest. As a community organizer, he has served on the Berlin Revitalization Committee, Hebron Economic Development Committee, and the Fox River Waterway Project. As an educator, he believes education is on ongoing process. For example, a grammatical error, is placed in the publication, "Islam vs. Terrorists," as a teaching tool to provide a "real life" opportunity to learn proofreading and to introduce the topic of "Perfectionism vs. Tolerance." Married 30 plus years, he thoroughly enjoys his family, including the dog training of "Charlie" and "Katie." LOL! Known for his sense of humor, he enjoys learning new things and sharing good times with family and friends, like pizza making, yodeling, and youth events. He enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, backpacking, biking, campfire "S'mores," gardening, and golf. An avid reader, you can find him at Library Book Sales, Used Book vendors, and the local garage sale. An avid tinkerer, you can find him creating new fishing lures, spinners, and dry flies or "futzing" in the "shop." Self-development is the hobby of choice. The driving energy is Hope!