Introverts! Are You Ready To Tell The World To Shut Up?
You know you would never do that because you are an introvert.
That doesn't mean you are not tired of being labelled as a loner, anti-social or that you are seen to have some type of personality defect that needs to be cured. When did quiet become an abnormality? Sadly since the beginning of time it seems.
The people on the outside edge of the social circles or "quiet ones" have always been taking the brunt of everyone's misunderstanding and ridicule. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert in a predominately extrovert world so don't believe the hype. There are many advantages introverts enjoy actually and they are revealed inside.
What if there was a way for you to release your fears of social gatherings and even enjoy them? How about excelling at public speaking leaving those extroverts dumbfounded as to who you just became? Or mingling with the extroverts without them even caring that you are an introvert, all the while enjoying yourself?
What if you could do all this without giving up who you are?
It is important to introverts to be true to themselves and trying to be artificial or fake causes them great pain. Does that sound like you?
Are You Really An Introvert?
You might be an Introvert if...
- you only talk to the person you came with at the party
- you feel alone even in a crowd
- you only sit in aisle seats
- and many other signs are found inside
The author is an introvert that people close to him would describe as an extrovert. That is because he, not unlike you possibly, spent many years in a career that made him be something he was not naturally good at doing. Managing a mulit-million dollar company, dealing with hundreds of people daily and handling over fifty employees schedules, personal development and at the end of the day their problems.
If you are a true introvert you may have screamed just reading that. Needless to say he is no longer there and is happily creating books in his basement while still enjoying socializing with friends. Contrary to popular belief, introverts do have friends. The main difference is most of our friends are true friends that we deeply care about.
The author discovered even more about himself and being an introvert while writing this book. He believes it has helped him leverage his introvert strengths even more and has catapulted his success to new heights. It can do the same for you.
Maybe you suspect you are an introvert and have been struggling with what exactly that means. Or you could be dating an introvert and want to understand them better. This book is for you, all of you. The introvert, closet introverts and the lovers of introverts.
What's In It For You
- Discover The One Secret Introverts Need To Know To Cancel Out The Noise
- Learn Why The Type Of Introvert You Are Matters
- Release The Stigma Of Having Low Self Confidence
- How To Recharge Yourself To Be The Best Introvert You Can Be
- Dating Tips To Find "The One" Without Wasting Years Trying
- Master The Networking You Hate To Do By Doing It Your Way
- Ninja Tactics for Painless Partying
If you are happy struggling along as an introvert trying to fit in with the extroverts then this book isn't for you.
If you want to take that inner power and quiet genius and create all the success you could ever dream of along with the extroverts then what are you waiting for?
Scroll up to the top of the page and hit the one click buy button now.
About the Author: Seth Cohen has always been passionate about helping others. He spent almost ten years goal coaching employees as a manager in a large corporation. Once the passion for the retail business subsided he decided it was time to pursue coaching full time. So like any coach would do he got his Life Coaching certification. Being so in tune with his own personal development he quickly realized that working with one client at a time wasn't scratching the itch he had to help people. So he set out to discover a way to help thousands not hundreds. That is when he decided to become a full-time author in the self-help and personal development niche. His very first goal was to find a way to deliver life changing information much quicker than the hundreds of self-help books he had read. You see the problem is books need to be the right number of pages to stand out among all the other books at your local bookstore. That means they need to be thick. Being an avid highlighter of books Seth started to realize he was getting 40 pages of content out of a 200-page book. While he understands the need to make books fill traditional bookshelves, he would never dream of wasting 40 minutes of a client's hour of coaching with small talk and filler. That means if a book can deliver everything it needs to in 50 pages then that is what the book will be. Only as long as it takes to ensure you receive the knowledge needed to change the quality of your life. The goal is to have you read his books quick and take action even quicker. Action is what will change your life. That is who these books are for: Action takers because knowledge is not power without action